Enquiry Form
Thank you for visiting Pets in Pastel. Sadly, at the present time I am very sorry to announce that I am currently not accepting new portrait commissions. I do plan on returning to pet portraiture some time in the future, though precisely when this will be is unknown for the time being. I do thank you so much for your interest in my work,however, and implore you to visit the following sites if you are currently looking for a pet portrait artist:
Pet Portraits by Melanie & Nick (United Kingdom) http://www.pet-portraitartist.com
Gayle Mason Fine Art (United Kingdom) http://http://www.gaylemasonfineart.com
Terry Jackson (Australia) http://www.drawnwild.com
Linda Shantz Equine Art (Canada) http://www.lindashantz.com

All images on this site © Artist Sarah
Theophilus 1991-2007, no reproductions permitted.
Please contact the Artist for licensing